Do you worry? Would you like to live in the present moment and not be anxious?
It can be simple. Below you will find a Weekly Worry Calendar to download. Each day you write down the things about which you are worried. Schedule when you are going to focus on those concerns.
For example, you have a doctor's appointment next Tuesday at 3:00 PM. You hate going to the doctor! You tend to stew about the upcoming visit for a week. Instead, figure out when you actually need to prepare for the meeting. You could schedule to prepare for your doctor's appointment on Monday evening. At that time, get your medications list ready.
When you are tempted to fret about the appointment, pause, say a prayer, and remind yourself that you are going to concern yourself with the details of the appointment later. It takes some practice, but it works!
What if you are worried about a family member who just lost a job? Schedule to pray for that person at 7:00 AM each day. You are doing something concrete; you are giving your anxieties over to the Lord.
Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Matthew 6:27
Weekly Worry Calendar (jpg)
DownloadUNWORRIED A Life Without Anxiety by Dr. Gregory Popcak
A practical guide to a life without worry. Dr. Popcak combines insights from a life of faith with psychological research.
A Worrier's Guide to Discovering Peace
by Gary Zimak
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