Forty in the bible signifies a time of trial, testing, or purification.
NOAH, his household, and all the animals found safety in the ark while the rain lasted forty days and nights. (Gen. 7:17) Prayer is a haven from the ongoing flood of noise, violence, and confusion in our world. We pray not only for ourselves but for all creation.
IN THE DESERT Our exodus from slavery to sin to the Promised Land is aided by the daily practice of prayer. The Israelites wandered in the desert for forty years, during which time God cared for all their needs. (Deut 1:31, 8:3-4) We thank God for his gifts, ask his forgiveness for our sins, and request what we need today.
MOSES prayed and fasted on Mount Sinai for forty days and nights before receiving the Ten Commandments. (Deut 9:9) He spoke with God as a friend speaks to a friend. (Ex 33:11) He interceded for the people for forty days and nights after they sinned by worshipping the golden calf. (Deut 9:18) Prayer is a heart-to-Heart conversation with God, which includes intercession for others.
ELIJAH walked for forty days and nights to encounter God on Mt. Horeb not in a dramatic theophany but in the small, still breeze. (1 K 19:8) Silence is the language of God; we must wait in silence and hope. (Is 30:15) Adoration is our response to the mystery of God, whose ways are not our ways. (Is 55 8-9)
JESUS prepared for his mission by fasting for forty days and nights in the wilderness. When tempted by Satan, he responded to each enticement with a passage from Scripture. (Mt. 4:1-10) Prayer can involve struggle. The sword of the spirit, the Word of God, is our weapon against the assaults of the Evil One. (Eph 6:17)
The number twelve represents perfection or completion.
THE FIRST SET OF TWELVE BEADS stands for the Twelve Tribes of Israel. God prepared a people, the descendants of Abraham, to welcome the Messiah. (Gen 49:28)
THE SECOND SET OF BEADS represents the Twelve Apostles. (Lk 6:13) Christ sends the Apostles out to proclaim the Good News to all creation. (Mk 16:16)
THE LAST SET OF BEADS is a reminder of our heavenly home, the New Jerusalem. there are twelve gates and twelve courses of stone in the city wall. (Rev. 21:19-21)
These three beads remind you to sit in silence with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Use the first bead to recite your favorite Scripture verse. It is a special word from God that gives direction to your life.
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